Wills and estate papers.

Donald Godfrey - Nov 21, 2009

Hi everyone, In my great grandmother's Hensley family, we had a lot of speculation on which Hensleys in the same location belonged in Amos Hensley's family. Amos had a will but only named his wife and 4 youngest sons and an older son as exec., but the estate papers over a 20 year period named all the children and their spouces and some granchilden. The will was pulished in a NC book and was on the Internet but the estate paper were in the NC Archives and it took a interested researcher going there and copying them and pass them to interested descendants to get the correct info. My point is that the Internet is not the final research point. Also, look at findagrave.com as a fairly new research point and place to post your information to help other researchers. We have a lot of space on this web site and I would like to have all of the members post more pictures and their family info on the site. Don