I have questions...

Linda Cushing - Jan 27, 2012

This is what I found: http://lincoln.lib.niu.edu/cgi-bin/amarch/getdoc.pl?/var/lib

Check out the above site. Someone posted a url and I followed it to this site origanally. I also wanted to know from Debbie or someone doing the research, when does John Hall, son of Josuah, become John Hall, Esquire or Squire. Is it when he moves to NC or before? Thanks to whoever posted about Mr. Godfrey. I had wondered what had happened to him since I didn't see him log-on anymore. So sorry to hear about his death. He had such much knowledge. Does anyone know if his research is donated somewhere? Please don't stop posting on the site because he is gone. Not much has been posted within the year. Linda



Debbie Hall Daugherty - Jan 30, 2012

John Hall was an attorney/Justice of the Peace in Baltimore, Maryland. There are a few documents in Baltimore that refer to him as John Hall and not John Hall son of Joshua. I always try to validate when it doesn't mention son of Joshua because there were other John Halls out there.

I looked at your link but it states this John Hall lived in Frederick County, MD. Could be our John Hall but may need more researching.


Linda Cushing - Jan 31, 2012

So, when did he go by Squire J.Hall; Did he move to Burke county in 1777 or later; Was it after he moved or was it after his father Joshua died?


Danna Gibson - Jan 31, 2012

Hi Linda,
John Hall, of Joshua, left Maryland before 1780. It was also before the death of Cpt. Joshua Hall, his father. The above John Hall listed in Frederick County, Maryland is from another set of Halls. They lived at a small place called "Halltown" just west of Frederick, Maryland. I am originally from Baltimore so am familiar with Maryland. When researching John Hall, ours is always listed as "son of Joshua" or "of Joshua". He is easily confused with John Hall of Joppa, among others.



Linda Cushing - Feb 1, 2012

Thanks Debbie and Danna. I have seen the information provided but had those few questions. I do know how many John Halls there can be.. I have been through the reel of John Halls that fought in the Revolution at the National Archives. Who Knew there would be so many? Again, Thanks.