For Toxey: Valuable Doc

Linda Cushing - Jan 29, 2014

Toxey, I have been thinking that your historical document Hall Bible should be left to a museum or library for preservation. As members of the DAR, we are encouraged to preserve all old historical documents. I am hoping that you have arranged for this vital source to be secure and not lost to history.

It has such valuable info on it and does fit into the category of John Hall son of Joshua folder either at NC State Archives or Maryland State Archives. A copy could also be given to DAR if it has not already in Debbie's application. Of course, you may have already thought about this and if so just disregard my meddling. Linda



Toxey Hall - Mar 9, 2014

I don't know how I could overlook your posting for long, but I apologize. Re: "My Family Bible". What I posted is all I have. I fear it is derivative information, and I don't know the location of the original, if indeed it still exists. As far as I can tell, It is a Xerox Copy from a single page of what I believe was a ruled book, perhaps a ledger. The book was purchased by John Hall, Jun, of Dickson Co. TN, In1815. A hand written note at the top of the page says,

" The price of this book was $10.00 --------- town of Nashville, in year 1815 by me John Hall of Dickson County and the State of Tennessee.

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This Book I bequeath to my son Joseph J. Hall, to be handed down to other generations of the Hall family it being bought by my father AD 1815 Witness my hand/ (signed) W.W. Hall
John Hall Jun, AKA John Hall or Dickson Co, TN was a son of Squire John Hall. This book was passed down to a JH Jun's ggdau Elizabeth Hall Ricks. According to a letter from her, a photocopy of a page from the book, was provided to Toxey Watts Hall, my first cousin, once removed, in 1973. Toxey Watts has since passed on, and the copy Elizabeth gave him is now in possession of his son Toxey Hall III. She also provided the original copy of a family bible currently owned by Toxey III's daughter. and other information. To the best of my knowledge, the copy is not from the bible. I will contact my cousin to see whose bible it was, and how far back the genealogical page goes. I have been unable to find out what happened to Elizabeth Ricks, or what happened to her documents.
To provide background and possible clarity to all this, I will post to my File Cabinet, a report containing Elisabeth's Anentafel, and also a document containing all the info given to me by Toxey III. I will also renew my efforts to find out what happened to Elizabeth. If alive, she would be about 95 years old.

Toxey A. Hall, Sr.