Joshua Hall Court Proceedings

Debbie Hall Daugherty - Jun 2, 2014

I am trying to figure out how to post a copy of something I found shocking regarding Joshua Hall. I realize those were different times and who knows what provoked him but here is my feable attempt at transcribing and I will continue to try upload the copy of the Court Proceedings. Perhpas one of you could help fill in the blanks...

November Court Proceedings Anno Dom 1743
Lord Propry against Joshua Hall
Baltimore County. The jurors for the right honorable, the Lord Propry that now is for the body of Baltimore County upon their oath do present that Joshua Hall, late of the said county, Inn holder, on the first day of October Anno Dom 1743 with force and arms at the county ________ in and upon a certain Joan Quincey in the peace of God and the said Lord Propry then and there being an assault did make her the said Joan did then and there beat, wound and evilly treat other harms to her and then and there did great damage of her the said Joan and against the peace ________Joshua Hall while foregoing bill of indictment was then endorsed via atruo bill. George Prosbury

Whereupon now this fourth day of November Anno Dom seventeen hundred and forty, here comes to the barr of this court the said Joshua Hall and is discharged paying to the overall officers of this court their overall and respective fees and to them from him by ________________of the ________________________.



Linda Cushing

Debbie, Interesting this court proceeding. I can see this as a beligerant customer who had to be handled in a rough kind of way in order to keep the peace  OR she really provoked him in some way that caused the attack. It is possible that some people today sue over the slightest thing. I wonder if this lady was one of those who had to be forcibly removed from the tavern or Inn? That's my take on it, anyway.