Scotland, Arkansas

Mary Jean Hall - May 3, 2010


Scotland, Arkansas is my home town and where I live. Thank goodness the tornado missed me, but it was a very scary night. I know all of the people who lost thier homes and also the lady who got killed. Thanks Mary Jane Dunsworth Lofton for calling to check on me. Just wanted to let everyone else know I that everything is oke with me.

Mary Jean hall

Baltimore County Families and Deeds

Toxey Hall - Mar 12, 2010

I have just added some Hall-related information from two books by Robert Barnes- "Baltimore County Families, 1659-1759" and Baltimore County, Maryland Deed Extracts, 1659-1759. The "Families" book indicates that Squire John's father Joshua married Diana Spicer's sister Ann after the death of Diana. On the same page (p.295) it states that Joshua's will left 1/3 of his property to "his friend Mrs. Ann Spicer".

Juliatha Hawkins Spicer mother of Diana Spicer

Debbie Hall Daugherty - Mar 14, 2010

I have a copy of a deed, Baltimore County Land Records, Liber TB#C, f. 63. 9 Nov. 1742. Juliatha Spicer to Mary Spicer.

"In consideration of the natural love, good will and affection while I have and do bear unto MARY SPICER, the daughter of DIANA SPICER the now wife of JOSHUA HALL divers other goods..........

Sounds like Diana's daughter Mary may have been illigetimate....what do you think?
