Donald Godfrey - May 28, 2007

I had another heart attack May 5th in Yuma, AZ. The doctors tell me if the paramedics had not been in my trailer when it happened I wouldn't be here now.

Plus, I need to be here for my wife Doris who needs to go on medicine for her memory.

I've been trying to keep up 4 web sites on myfamily.com, 2 for Godfrey, 1 for Hall and 1 for Rippee/Rippy and still keep doing basic research and I'm not doing a very good job.

I will pay for the web sites for at least another year.

Anyone who has the time and is willing to help, please let me know by posting here or sending me an email.

Thanks, Don



Toxey Hall - May 28, 2007

Don: I am very sorry to hear about your health problems and your wife's. Next month, I will start radiation treatment for for prostate cancer. It will last through the summer, but since I will be away from home with my laptop, I may have more free time than usual. Let me know what you need. Also what the Hall site is costing you. Things are too uncertain to make promises now, but I would like to help. Toxey


Donald Godfrey - Jun 6, 2007

Toxey, I'm so sorry to hear about your cancer problem.
We'll pray that everything works out for you.


Leta Wyatt - May 30, 2007

Don, sorry to hear about your heart attack and Doris' medical problems. Let me know what I can do to help you with the web site. I spend a lot of time researching the Halls on my Mother's side of the family and it appears both sets of Halls may be tied together. Leta


Donna Butler Hoover - Jun 5, 2007

Since the first time I heard of this website from you, Donald, it was very evident that you were responsible for bringing together all the cousin lines for information and family sharing. Between you and Toxey, the world of the Halls has been opened up to me and now I have even more family to learn about and love. I am so saddened to hear about your heart attack and your wife's illness and now to know that Toxey is fighting cancer. All of us have responsibilities and are probably busy most of the time but, if you can do some delegating, maybe we can all pitch in and help where we can. I know that I will try to help where possible. I will need some instructing on what to do and how to do it but am willing to do all I can to help you with whatever you need. Just let me know what, when and how. It is times like these that make me realize how caught up most of us can be with personal priorities and how easy it is too leave all the work to others. I myself am guilty of it in spades at times. Isn't it typical that the older generation even through sickness still strive to take care of the really important matters concerning family. Bottom line is that is what we are....family. Though many generations seperate some of us, the blood is still there and I believe the pride and caring is also. Otherwise, why would we take the time to trace our family and participate in a site like this one. With everyone helping if they possibly can, hopefully we will do a decent job of filling in for you while you are recovering and at any other time you need us. Good Health to you, your wife and Toxey! Donna


Toxey Hall - Jun 6, 2007

Don, Donna, and others. Thank you for your kind sentiments. I believe my cancer is at a curable stage. I will be at a first rate treatment center, and have good health care coverage. I am very optimistic - but prayers are welcome and treasured.

I value the knowledge that the Squire's blood flows in so many of us, and the sense of kinship that this Don has built through this site.
