Josephus Marion Hall s/o Joseph White Hall.

Donald Godfrey - Jan 22, 2009

General Josephus Hall of Greene Co, AL in the CSA during the civil war was also Judge J. M. Hall of Johnson and Comanche Co, TX.
His son Retired Col. Newt (Newt, not Newton) Hamill Hall of the US Marine Corps in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 census says his father was born in Florida.
Didn't we have some info that another of Joseph White Hall's children was born in Florida.
Looks like Joseph and probably his 1st wife went to Florida before Alabama.
Let me know what you think.



Donald Godfrey - Jan 23, 2009

Checking records again, it looks like Joseph White Hall and Alvira Pugh's first 2 children were born in AL, then the next 3 were born in FL, Flavelia 1824, Elvira/Alvira 1827 and Josephus 1828 and the rest in AL.


Toxey Hall - Jan 24, 2009

Flavalia Ruth Hall, who was a dau of Joseph White Hall and Alvira (Alviah, Elvira, etc) Pugh, md John Mabe.In the 1850 Census for Lauderdale MS, Flavalia Mabe lives 2 Farms away from Wesley White Hall, Sr.

Alvira (or whatever) Pugh had a sister named Miriam. Married Isaac Jackson.
Their dau Flavalia (aka Flavilla & goodness knows what else) md David hall, who was WW Hall's brother. Adding dates and other connections would slow me down. Ask Questions if you have 'em



Linda Cushing - Feb 16, 2009

I would like to reply to the question of Joseph White Hall's two wives. If the Bible is correct and he married first in 1816 a Miss Kittrell, He would have been 23 years old. It would be a proper time to marry. He must not have had any children with this first wife as none have ever shown up.. He married Elvira A. Pugh in April 27, 1819 and had 10 children with her. Marriage recorded in Clarke Co. Circuit Court Office in Grove Hill, AL, for that date. I have checked Josephus' Census statements and he said that he was born in AL throughout the years. I believe they could have been in Florida for a short time as they did not move to Greene Co. before 1829 or so. Florida is a straight shot southeast from Clarke Co. But Newt's memory might have been poor. I believe that Josephus was born in Clarke Co. AL probably at the home of his grandmother, Ruth Julian Pugh. Linda