Accounts of Elijah Hall, Sr.

Jul 12, 2003
Apparently this is a medical account:

Miss Sally Hall
To John P. Erwin, Dr.

Aug 30, 1857: To visit and self med, $4.00.
Sep 2, 1857: To visit and self med and advice $3.50.

Claims of Mary Hall for service and waiting on her father, $50.00. He (dide) Aug 1867.

One account J. L. Gray for $16.00 and $25.00 with credit of $3.00 in cash and 3 1/2 gallons of whiskey.

Error in William M. Hall family.

Donald Godfrey - Jul 28, 2003
Thanks to Glady Smith's sharp eye an error was found in the deaths of W. M. Hall's (2?)wives.
I had him with 2 wives and it look like he only had one and the other one in the cemetery book as w/o W. M. Hall was most likely his mother. Probably an error in the book.
I will check further when I get to NC for the Godfrey reunion next June.
Thanks Gladys.


- Sep 4, 2003
Can anyone provide the orgins of the Sellers family? Or at least the projected theory. I seem to have ran into all kinds of Sellers in Baltimore County, MD. Many of them were presiding justices. Example: Thomas Sellers, Sabrit Sellers. These justices served with John Hall and are listed in the Prerogative Court Records of Baltimore County.

